If you are buying a home with a septic tank, there are some things you need to be aware of. If you are selling your home, you could need an inspection of the septic system.
Septic system must be inspected by a septic inspector. Septic inspectors must be licensed. So you can’t just have anyone do a septic inspection. Of course, as an owner of a property that is serviced by a septic system, it is vital to have proper maintenance so that there are no issues .now or when it comes time to sell .
septic inspection is a big hurdle to clear in a real estate transaction.
Let’s take an in-depth look at why septic inspections are important and what you need to know about them.
What we do is we go through your septic system to see if there is any problems that need be resolved before new home owner purchase.
Grinder Pump/Sewage Pump, we can inspect pumps and make sure that they are working properly ,and they are properly sized for your needs.
Camera inspection
This includes video inspection of the tank and laterals to how if there is any damage to your system
Water Tracing
This is a tool we use to make sure no sewer is leaking on to top soil or leaking in streams or ponds.
Sludge check for Tank pumping
we can check your septic tank and have it pumped so your system continues to work properly.